// verify-v1'/> John Matthias' Blog - Powered By Christ: 2011

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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Transformation - After 3 months

It has been a 3 months journey which is quite fast.
Through this 3 months, my eating habit change, and daily habits change too. It's these changes together with acupuncture that made it possible.

Thanks to my friendly consultant Jamie who is always there to encourage and advise on what to eat, what to avoid.

Thanks to my family, especially mum for the encouragement!

When I started out on the program, I was 83.5kgs
When it ended, I managed to loose 14kgs, making my weight 69.5kgs.

As of now, i just weigh myself yesterday. Weight went down abit too, is 68.8kgs now.



Sunday, June 05, 2011

Transformation - Day 14

Wow! Its been 14 days already! Tomorrow will be my 1st review and new plan awaits! :D
It will also be my 1st acupuncture session tmr! Looking forward to it.

Its been a long 14 days and it's really really hard to curb those cravings... esp when i smell nice food and my fav food! >.<"

But Thank God all is well!

5.4 down since day 1! :)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Transformation - Day 4 & 5

Still doing well but seems to be stagnant for now...
Jamie told me not to take weight so often but rather wait for the in-body.

All in all drop 2.2kgs :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Transformation - Day 3

Day 3 of transformation!

Last nite i dream that i am eating beehoon wif fried chicken wing! loL!
Gosh Thank God its juz a dream!

I shall persevere and reach my target! :D

God be with me! :D

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Transformation - Day 2

Day 2 of transformation!
Still doing good!

Shed another 0.8kg

Praise God!!!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Transformation - Day 1

1st day of the transformation!
doing good till now! :D

Drop 0.5kg already...

Lord be with me through this whole program.

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::John Matthias' Blog - Powered by Christ::