// verify-v1'/> John Matthias' Blog - Powered By Christ: November 2011

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Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Transformation - After 3 months

It has been a 3 months journey which is quite fast.
Through this 3 months, my eating habit change, and daily habits change too. It's these changes together with acupuncture that made it possible.

Thanks to my friendly consultant Jamie who is always there to encourage and advise on what to eat, what to avoid.

Thanks to my family, especially mum for the encouragement!

When I started out on the program, I was 83.5kgs
When it ended, I managed to loose 14kgs, making my weight 69.5kgs.

As of now, i just weigh myself yesterday. Weight went down abit too, is 68.8kgs now.



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::John Matthias' Blog - Powered by Christ::