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Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Finally Back at work today after a day of rest at home, headache still there on and off. Decided to carry on with the medication. Today there is a special event that will be happening in the evening and thats the Blood Moon Eclipse. Its blood red~~~ :S

-Blood Moon Eclipse-

Pic taken from http://www.discoverychannelasia.com/eclipse/index.shtml

The Sun’s light includes all the colours of the spectrum, but only red light can penetrate through the gas and dust in the Earth’s atmosphere to reach the Moon. If the atmosphere is relatively clean and only a small amount of dust is present, then more than just the red end of the spectrum can filter through, making the Moon’s dark surface appear washed in a feeble grey or yellow hue. Even more dust gives it a tobacco colour. The colour range runs right through to blood red, when a large amount of dust is mixed in with the natural gases of the Earth’s atmosphere.

Can see the Live Streaming of Blood Moon Eclipse - Springbrook Research Observatory at the above mentioned URL.

Fixing my sis PC and changing my Casing, thanks Mr Teo for helping but tis mth really eat grass le~


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