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Sunday, May 04, 2008

- 《最长的电影》 2nd attempt -

Harlo guys, tis my 2nd attempt of the song, pls gib comments~ :D


Anonymous said...

Sounds nice. You are able to hit those high key nicely.

John Matthias Lee said...

Thanks for ur comments bro~~~

Anonymous said...

Ah biao can sing very well woh. hoho !!

Anonymous said...

DI !! I like your voice !!

Anonymous said...

咬字 - ok, 音准,音乐感也不错。。但是有一些part有鼻音哦

Try pinching you nose when you sing and see if you have problem reaching those part. If you do, that means you are singing those part through your nose. Try to avoid that.

Anonymous said...

From passerby
Hey.. not bad , thumbs up to u... sounds very emotional and touching..:)
It touches my inner soul..
hi biao, can i know how do u do this recording ? u got a recording system at home ?? something like a home studio ? can u share with me on how u do this clear recording with background music on...
greatly appreciate if u can share with me:)

John Matthias Lee said...

To Passerby.

Thanks, i got the KTV at home, i get the music part of the song, den i record my voice as another file, and mix both files together...

Anonymous said...

Jay Chou is the best at all times! Talented! Love him!

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