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Thursday, October 23, 2008

- My Weekend Hoots & Pay Cheque -

Woo Hoo... The Long awaited phone!!! Sony Ericsson G900! Finally got it last Friday after Starhub sent me the Handphone upgrade voucher which I m entitled for a yearly upgrade cos I am a Hubber!! On top of that, i changed some Hubber Points to a $100 Voucher. Phone cost $368, but minus off the 2 vouchers, I only got to pay $218. At the same time, i got for mum & myself a iTech Bluetooth Head set each.

Moi Hoots!!!

1. Sony Ericsson G900

2. iTech Clip D-Radio for myself

3. iTech Clip V for Mum

4. Pynk Pynk and Gween Gween for my bro and sis~

Wanted to give them both on Saturday, but KTV was cancelled, so Pynk pynk was delivered to mei but Gween is still sitting in my home.

On top of that, i received my 1st pay cheque from Nuffnang~
Its a small amount but its ok..


Anonymous said...

i using the same i-tech clip as ur mummy... guess it appeals to mature users... lol

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