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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

- Perfect Cut -

This is a 13 episode series revolve around beauty, both inside and outside.
Starring Thomas Ong, Michelle Chia, Julian Hee, Zheng Wan Ling, etc.

Alex Tan (Thomas Ong) a plastic surgeon, perfectionist and skeptic when it comes to love, Alex never believed in eternity, until he met Kelly. He strongly believes “there is no ugly person in this world, only poor people” (“没有丑人,只有穷人”). Kelly Lim (Michelle Chia) a kind and caring psychologist, find it hard to come to terms with each other’s definition of beauty. She has long been secretly admiring Alex since their university days, however due to misunderstanding, the relationship never worked out.

After watching 8 episodes, it really catch my attention and catching it everyday.

Another thing that caught my attention is the Songs, both 片头 and 片尾曲. Both sung by Shi Sin Huey 石欣卉. 片头曲 ish 《我知道我变漂亮了》 and 片尾曲 ish 《你没想像中爱我》, but of the 2 I prefer 你没想像中爱我. Its in my playlist which you might already b hearing as the background music~

曲:So Million

你小心翼翼 牵我手
其实是担忧 藏不住我
自尊也投降 活在她之下
我 好傻

你字字句句说 你不爱她
那又是什么 让你害怕
我疑惑但是原谅 因为你留下
我 好傻

原来 你没想像中那么爱我
你的存在 让我更寂寞

你寸步不离 像天使的她
挥霍我的爱 从不放心上
我有一丝无奈 也有一些明白
该 放开

原来 你没想像中那么爱我
不爱我别再说 假装爱那是撒盐在伤口

啊~~ 谁说我不在意空等候
原来 你从来都没深刻爱我



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