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Thursday, August 28, 2008

- Touching Song By Daniel Chan -

Have been watching 《倩女幽魂》 starring 陈晓东,宣萱,大 S and many more...
Througout the show, you will hear 1 song constantly being played, especially during those emotional scenes. By now you might already be hearing tis song if the imeem player is playing. LoL...

Yes This is the song. 《吻下去爱上你》 by 陈晓东.

This song is in his 《Perfect Love》 album released in Aug 2003. In this album most of the songs are actually for the show. Many nice songs including 《般若波罗蜜》, 《灰飞烟灭》, 《闭上眼睛》. If you all wanna hear them, juz leave me a tag and i will post it in my playlist.

I still remember tat time I am still in NS. Listening to this song and watching this show in our 3Sig Bunk. LoL.. See how time flies.. Its been 5years since this song is out, one of my favourite then...

Take some time to listen to this beautiful song and look at the lyrics to understand it more...


词:林夕 曲:陈晓东

遇见你需要运气 爱上你却要多少勇气
渺小的我只忠于自己 人世间 却容不下一段传奇

有人说该忘了你 我宁愿忘记了我无知
失去了你讨好整个天地 有什么值得了不起

我不顾一切让世界停止 也要换你一个坚持
人生的结局 不相聚就是分离
也总算留下了 相爱的痕迹

有人说我该放弃 要反悔比执迷还容易
最难的是失去爱的能力 在孤独里醉生梦死

**我不顾一切让世界停止 也要换你一个坚持
人生的结局 不相聚就是分离
也总算留下了 相爱的痕迹


全世界都在等着我看着你 让我吻下去爱上你~


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