// verify-v1'/> John Matthias' Blog - Powered By Christ: - A Random Picture & 2 New Toys-

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

- A Random Picture & 2 New Toys-

I took this photo after work while waiting for my transport back home. Weather is cold, juz stop raining and there r rain drops on the leaves of the christmas tree. So Tot of taking a picture... So there u go, hope its not too bad...

MacBook Air(MBA) came last week and is busy installing updates and also partition for Windows XP to be installed...

This Macbook Air is not only Slim, its ultra light. Display and Sound are Damn Huarking goots!!! Other lappys which i came across cant get anywhere near tis amazing MBA.

Besides the MBA, I got a new buddy at work, who is sitting on my desk! Always smiling at me whenever i see him. Yes!! He is my GoodLuck Carebear!!! LoL!!!

Cute rite?~ LoL...


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